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Columbus 25CrMo4 Steel

25CrMo4 seamless steel: the chemical composition of this steel, specifying a higher percentage of Chromium, gives to the material good resistance properties to overheating. The formation of carbides prevents the grain enlargement: the steel maintains its properties during brazing and welding, even in the malleable raw state it features excellent mechanical characteristics, furtherly enhanced by the special Columbus cold-drawing process.
UTS=900MPa, Ys=800MPa, Ap5 =12%
Suggested fi ller material for TIG welding:
OK TIGROD 13.12 (AWS 5.28 ER 80S-G)
Suggested material for brazing: Castoline Silver Alloy 38230
Columbus 25CrMo4 is utilized for the production of the Zona, 29r and FAT tubesets.